rat-tail radish

$ 4,50

Raphanus sativus var. caudatus, Brassicaceae

The rat's-tail radish has no edible root, but elegant, sharp-tasting, tapering fruits that undulate like a rat's tail. The plant grows tall and is covered with white flowers veined with blue. Fruits reach up to 25 cm in length and are violet or green. They are eaten immature, raw, cooked or pickled. Unlike common radishes, which prefer cool conditions, this is a heat-loving plant. 1 m high. 60 days to maturity from direct sowing.

about 50 seeds

Handcrafted seeds produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska

In stock

Sow in the garden after the last risk of frost. Plant 1 cm deep, leaving 30 cm between rows. Thin to 25 cm along the row.

# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Darkness, 15ºC to 18ºC

Number of seeds per bag