
kit Balcon Plaisir des fleurs

Original price was: $ 30,00.Current price is: $ 24,00.

The Balcon Plaisir des fleurs kit offers long-lasting flower seeds that brighten up balconies in summer. These 5 varieties of annual plants offer you white, sky-blue, mauve, lime-green and... scarlet flowers!

American browallie 

forget-me-not Firmament


scarlet sage

tobacco Lime Green


The sachets are wrapped in colorful paper, folded origami-style.

Read the description below to find out more about the products and quantities contained in the kit.


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Each kit contains 5 sachets: 

American browallie bio, Browallia americana , Solanaceae. 300 seeds.   

Forget-me-not Firmament bioCynoglossum amabile, Boraginaceae. 75 seeds. 

schizanthusSchizanthus pinnatus, Solanaceae. 300 seeds. 

organic scarlet sageSalvia coccinea, Lamiaceae. 85 seeds.

Lime Green organic tobacco, Nicotiana alata, Solanaceae. 600 seeds.