
Balcon aromatique kit (organic)

Original price was: $ 28,00.Current price is: $ 22,50.

Cooking with fresh herbs is easy, affordable and delicious!

-aneth des jardins Bouquet

-Basil Genovese 


-pipicha (like coriander, with a kick!)


The sachets are wrapped in colorful paper, folded origami-style.

Read the description below to find out more about the products and quantities contained in the kit.


In stock

Each kit contains : 

garden dill Bouquet bioAnethum graveolens, Apiaceae. 80 seeds.

organic Genovese basilOcimum basilicum, Labiatae. 95 seeds.

organic marjoramOriganum marjorana, Labiatae. 200 seeds.

organic pipichaPorophyllum tagetoides, Asteraceae. 65 seeds.

organic thymeThymus vulgaris, Labiatae. 200 seeds.