organic goosefoot

$ 4,75$ 25,00

Blitum bonus-henricus, Amaranthaceae

wild spinach, Good King-Henry, Lincolnshire spinach

Chenopod bon-Henri is a hardy, early-ripening perennial vegetable. As soon as the snow melts, you can enjoy its abundant, fleshy, arrow-shaped leaves, which are reminiscent of spinach, only more pronounced. As soon as the weather warms up, the flowering shoots appear and are eaten like asparagus or broccoli... these are the most prized parts. Older leaves can develop a pungent taste, and for this reason are not picked.

Although little known, it has been cultivated and consumed for centuries, spreading throughout Europe. Over time, it became the "poor man's spinach", and then fell into oblivion. It is now being rediscovered thanks to permaculture and the renewed interest in perennial vegetables. Like many spontaneous plants, it is highly nutritious: rich in fiber, protein, zinc, folic acid, vitamins A and E... but being a member of the spinach family, it should be eaten in moderation because of its oxalic acid content.

In the garden, goosefoot is very easy to grow. It is not very demanding, preferring cool, nitrogen-rich soil. It likes sun but tolerates a little shade. A good dose of ripe compost will multiply the harvest. 20-60 cm high. Hardy in zone 3.

bag = approx. 75 seeds

1 g = about 500 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vraiproduced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES

These seeds germinate best after a stratification period of 6-8 weeks. Sow them on the surface of a seedling substrate and keep moist in the fridge for the recommended period, then expose to 21°C. Germination will take place within 2 weeks of removal from the fridge. Of course, seedlings can also be sown in situ in autumn for natural stratification followed by germination in spring.

Grow the seedlings in pots or nurseries until they're big enough to manage in the garden, then set them up at least 30 cm apart. You won't eat them until the second year, when the plants are well established in their new location.


photographs by Antoine Berton for La société des plantes


sachet, 1 gram

# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions


Number of seeds per bag