organic Laos shallot (pre-order 2025)

$ 12,00

Allium cepa var. aggregatum

The Laotian shallot is a small, round, pungent bulb with pink flesh, brought to Quebec from Laos by a Laotian family settled in Rivière-du-Loup. It is grown like the potato onion, but a little earlier. It has an exquisite flavor and excellent keeping qualities!

10 bulbs: 12,00$ Shipping by parcel. [available in Quebec and the rest of Canada only].

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vraiproduced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES.


In stock

Plantez tôt au printemps ou à l’automne, juste sous la surface du sol à 12 cm sur le rang, 30 cm entre les rangs. Plante frugale: pas d’ajout de compost récent! Shallot bulbs are easy to store in a cool, dry place all winter long, for spring planting.

Expedited parcel delivery 

Shipping costs are automatically added when you choose postal delivery. Those who prefer to pick up on site can do so by choosing On-site pickup. An e-mail will notify you when your order is ready. There is no charge for on-site pickup.



6 bulbs, 12 bulbs