Plant Gallery

Exhibition photo by Patrice Fortier.

What is Galerie Végétale?

Since its beginnings, LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES has been constantly trying to reconcile "culture" and "agriculture" through various poetic-agricultural projects. It is now inaugurating a space dedicated to art.

The Plant Gallery will henceforth play the role of interdisciplinary meeting point, offering content at the confluence of agronomic, ethnological, design and visual arts research, where each year artists will be invited to interpret LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES's activities in their own way. 

We got the ball rolling with an installation by Nathalie Bujold. It's not an insignificant choice, since the paths of this artist and LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES never cease to cross. She even spent an entire summer on the farm in her early days... She and Patrice have also collaborated on several artistic projects together. We'll have fond memories of this first installation, Motifs de L'Embarras: 11 video quilts by Nathalie Bujold! 

We're slowly working on the next show... stay tuned!


11 moving tableaux: video quilts that re-stage LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES from within. We embrace everything from hollyhocks at night in the vibrancy of summer to turnips at the end of their life, celebrating several fetish plants in the process, against a backdrop of trees dancing in the sky.

Nathalie Bujold is a multidisciplinary artist from the Gaspé Peninsula who lives and works in Verdun. Trained in music and with a degree in visual arts, Nathalie Bujold tinkers, assembles, weaves and invites different skills to intersect, particularly in her practice of video in relation to textiles. She is interested in the micro-events of a familiar everyday life, balanced with a disquieting world, which she tumbles into plastic narratives. She proceeds like a handyman whose project takes shape as the motif takes shape. The quilt, which is a form of do-it-yourself, serves as inspiration for her shapes, and also for her general approach, in a sustainable development logic of reduction, reuse and recycling. 

Allow 20-30 minutes for a tour of the plant. 

The exhibition was completed in mid-December.

Reservations are recommended, as only 4 people at a time can visit the exhibition.

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