organic blue vervain

$ 4,50

Verbena hastata, Verbenaceae

Blue vervain is a perennial native to Quebec. Its slender, light purplish-blue flower spikes appear in quantity at the end of stiff stems, from July to September, over narrow, discreet foliage. This wild plant is slender enough to fit into a community of cultivated plants without strangling them, preferably in sunny, moist soil. Used in herbalism: not to be confused with verbena officinalis. 80 cm-1m20. Hardy in zone 3.

about 200 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska, Qc

Sow on the surface (light is needed for germination) and chill (-4°C to 4°C) for 8 weeks (stratification), then store at 20°C, or simply sow outdoors in autumn. Germination is greatly enhanced by lightly abrading the seeds before sowing (sand paper).


Test germination conditions

Light, 10 to 15ºC, scarification (scalpel/sand paper), Stratification 8 weeks

Number of seeds per bag


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