organic camelina

$ 4,50 - $ 9,00

Camelina sativa, Brassicaceae

bastard flax, German sesame

In the past, camelina was cultivated as a source of food for humans and animals. It is an upright annual herbaceous plant that normally reaches a height of 30 to 90 cm. It has been selected over time for the high oil content of its seeds, an exquisite golden-yellow oil with a taste reminiscent of cabbage, hazelnut and asparagus. It is rich in essential fatty acids such as omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, hence its recent resurgence in popularity. It is a short-season plant, reaching maturity in 85 to 100 days. A regular bag can cover an area of around 2 square meters.

bag = approx. 500 seeds

5 g = about 1670 seeds

Québec Vrai certified organic seeds from the farm Nature HighlandMatane, Qc

Camelina is usually sown in spring. Seeds are sown shallowly and need good soil contact. The regular bag can cover an area of around 2 square meters, and the bulk bag around 3.5 square meters.


photo: Virginie Bernier for La société des plantes


sachet, 5 g

# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Darkness, 15ºC to 18ºC

Number of seeds per bag


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