crosne from Japan - pre-order for october 2024

$ 18,00

Stachys affinis, Labiatae

Crosne du Japon is a hardy, tapering perennial (45 cm high) whose tiny, crunchy tubers are a choice vegetable with a mildly aromatic flavor. They look like the detached limbs of a little Michelin Man, or spiral shells, or... You'll have plenty of time to make up your mind, as crosnes will follow you around for a long time, as they're rather valiant at reproducing by root. They like soil that drains well, in the sun, but not poor and dry. They produce best with organic matter, plant mulch and extra water in case of drought. They are planted in autumn. Delivery in OCTOBER 2024.

10 tubers (packed in moist potting soil) [available in Quebec and the rest of Canada only].

In stock

Crosnes prefer soil with a good level of organic matter, which drains well, in sunny conditions, with irrigation. Plant out in bunches 40 cm apart in all directions, with 3 to 4 tubers in each bunch, about 8 cm deep. You can prune during the season to facilitate harvesting. Hoe carefully to avoid cutting rhizomes. Mulch welcome. Expect to harvest at the end of the 2nd year, when summers are short, or at the end of the first autumn, if your summer is long enough. Keep tubers refrigerated until ready to plant. Planting can, if necessary, take place the following spring.