organic Scottish thistle

$ 4,75

Onopordon acanthium, Asteraceae

donkey thistle, acanthus-leaved onopordon, scotch thistle

Scottish thistle is a biennial plant with splendid silvery-glaucous foliage and mauve flowers. Proud habit in second year. Requires no care once established... tolerates coarser soils.

bag = 30-35 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska, Qc

Out of stock

Soak seeds in a solution of H2O2 peroxide for 24 hours to speed up the germination process. Otherwise, sow the seeds in the garden and some will germinate in the first year, others in the second, and others in the third... it's like that! Leave a good 60 cm between plants in the garden, in full sun.


# of the lot for sale


Test germination conditions

Temperature oscillations (day/night), Soil, H2O2 soaking

Number of seeds per bag


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