kit Balcon de Fleurs comestibles

$ 22,00

The 'Balcony of Edible Flowers' kit is designed for urbanites who want to add flowers to their balcony or backyard. All these beautiful flowers will be just as happy in pots as in containers or in the ground, and they'll look delicious and beautiful on your plates!

Kit contains:

blue borage

California poppy

wild pansy


tagetes Tangerine Gem


The sachets are wrapped in colorful paper, folded origami-style.

Read the description below to find out more about the products and quantities contained in the kit.

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Each kit contains 5 sachets:

blue borageBorago officinalis, Boraginaceae. 22-25 seeds

California poppyEschscholzia californica, Papaveraceae. 55 seeds.

organic wild pansyViola tricolor, Violaceae. 75 seeds.

pea-asparagusTetragonolobus purpureus (syn. Lotus tetragonolobus), Fabaceae. 20 seeds

tagetes Tangerine GemTagetes tenuifolia, Asteraceae. 40 seeds