Egyptian onion

$ 9,00$ 20,00

Allium cepa var. proliferum, Liliaceae

onion, walking onion

The Egyptian onion is a very hardy perennial onion that was popular in our country gardens a century ago. It is curious in that it produces bulbils as big as hazelnuts at the end of strong hollow stems 60 cm high. The weight of the bulblets will cause the stem to bend and "walk" to its new planting site. In spring, the stalks make excellent sweet green onions that can be stuffed. The fleshy, pink-skinned underground part, with its powerful flavor, is delectable steamed and served in vinaigrette like a leek. Its effect is striking in flower beds. Sow in August-September-October, just below the soil surface, and mulch as winter approaches if you don't anticipate sufficient snow cover.

10 or 25 bulblets [available in Quebec and the rest of Canada only].

Expedited shipment in autumn.

Expedited parcel delivery of fresh onion bulbs takes place as early as possible in the autumn, between August and October. Bulbils are fresh, and require planting upon receipt. Shipping costs are automatically added when you choose postal delivery. Those who prefer to pick up on site can do so by choosing Pick-up on site. An e-mail will notify them when the order is ready. There is no charge for on-site pickup.




10 bulblets, 25 bulblets

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