organic ficoïde glaciale

$ 6,00

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Aizoaceae

Ice plant

Ficoïde glaciale is a tender perennial grown as an annual in our climate. It originates from South Africa, where it grows close to the coast on sand dunes. It is a curious leafy vegetable whose stems and leaf bases are covered with small papillae filled with a salty liquid that glistens like frost in the sun. Its tempered-glass appearance and lack of fragrance don't prepare us for the juicy, sweetly tangy surprise it provides. Raw or lightly cooked, at its best harvested in September following the arrival of cool weather. 30 cm.

175-200 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vraiproduced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES

In stock

Press the seeds onto the surface of a potting soil (preferably one with a high coarse sand content), then transplant to full sun in soil that's not too heavy, with a minimum of 35 cm in all directions. Or sow the tiny seeds directly where they will grow, always on the surface, and keep moist until germination, which takes 2 weeks. Ficoid grows well in a Styrofoam cooler with holes in the bottom.


# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Previously sold lot


Germination rate of previously sold batch


Test germination conditions

Light, 21 to 24ºC

Number of seeds per bag


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