4- gourmet workshop from garden to table july

$ 120,00

There are products you can't buy at the grocery store or order at a restaurant. To enjoy them, you have to grow them yourself. And that's rewarding!

But there's sometimes a lot to discover between planting, growing, harvesting and culinary transformation...

In this series of 6 workshops FROM GARDEN TO TABLE, we're reaching out to you with a concrete look at various aspects of gardening related to this time of the season. From the garden, where we'll be observing the cultivation of the products in focus that month, to the kitchen, where the harvests will end up, we'll share with you the tips we've gleaned over the years for success "from seed to plate".

The 3-hour sessions are divided between theory, observations in the garden, and transformation of the star products in the kitchen, culminating in the pleasure of tasting. You can therefore follow these "à la carte" courses in a non-linear way, one after the other, if you wish, or in the order that suits you over several years, as the content changes every month...

In JULY, everything grows so fast, so we cook the thinning, the weeding (you have to manage the volunteers!).

And we sow the roots to save for winter... We also harvest the first seeds!




SALADS OF THE MOMENT: purslane, amaranth, arroche, gourgana tops, ficoide glaciale, perennial sow-thistle, Japanese samphire, mertensie maritime, doucette d'Alger, plantain, rose, to name but a few!

-COMESTIBLE FLOWERS: chamomile, knapweed, rose, red clover, elder, monarda, linden.

-tasty dish ideas: fruity rose dip, nasturtium pesto and garlic flower,  burdock asparagus, borage soup, calzone with arrowroot and ewe's milk tomme, salad of the moment, saskatoon clafoutis, iced betony infusion.

The meal menu is not published in advance. Please notify us promptly of any food allergies or intolerances.

Saturdays, July 12 and 26, 2025 at 3 p.m. or Sundays, July 13 and 27, 2025 at 10 a.m.

SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag:

DATES: Saturdays, July 12 and 26, 2025 at 3 p.m. and Sundays, July 13 and 27, 2025 at 10 a.m.

DURATION 3h: Saturday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
COST: 120,00$ (137,97$ tx inc.) including meal

If you have any food allergies or intolerances, please let us know at the time of booking.

As part of the workshop takes place in the house, it's important to be aware that two felines inhabit this space. If you are allergic to cats, let us know quickly and take the necessary precautions if necessary!

Workshops are non-refundable if cancelled with less than 30 days' notice.

Show up a few minutes before the workshop at the LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES boutique, 207, rang de l'Embarras, Kamouraska.



Saturday July 12 3pm, Sunday July 13 10am, Saturday July 26 3pm, Sunday July 27 10am