Karpatia organic hairy rose

$ 4,50

Rosa villosa (syn. R. pomifera), Rosaceae

The hairy rose is native to Europe and the Middle East, where it grows in mountainous regions at altitudes of 400 to 1,500 meters. This variety was developed in the Czech Republic for the production of rose hips, and it survives the winter perfectly here in zone 4... It is a thorny shrub growing up to 1.5 m high. The bluish-green leaves are hairy, hence the name given to the species. The pink flowers are elegant in their simplicity, but it's the fruiting that gives this shrub its ornamental character in late summer. It's clearly for fruit production that this rose is grown, and it can also be a welcome addition to your next windbreak hedge. The original seeds come from Maurice Chaudière's garden in Ardèche (France), where we tasted a memorable rosehip sun jam.

about 50 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vraiproduced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES

Rose seeds have a strong tendency to dormancy and it can be difficult to wake them up... We suggest washing them in hot soapy water for several days in a row, then sowing them shallowly and placing the seed tray in the fridge for 4 months.  Then expose them to the heat... Some seeds will germinate in the first year, others in the second, after leaving the box outside all winter.


# of the lot for sale


Test germination conditions

Light 15ºC to 21ºC, Rinsing, Stratification, Potting soil

Number of seeds per bag


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