Soissons Gros Blanc à Rames bean

$ 5,50

Phaseolus coccineus, Fabaceae

The 'Soissons Gros Blanc' string bean is a variety of bean known as 'Soissons Gros Blanc'. from Spain whose very large white hulling kernels are appreciated for their tender, flavorful flesh and thin skin. White flowers. A rare and indispensable ingredient in soissoulet. In its native Soissonnais region, people are very proud of it: there's even a "confrérie des compagnons du haricot de Soissons" (brotherhood of Soissons bean companions)!

20 seeds

Locally-sourced, home-grown seeds Jardin des SimplesKamouraska

Out of stock

Sow in warm soil (min. 16°C, ideally 21°C-32°C), 3 cm deep, 4-5 per shoot to keep 3 in the end, or every 15 cm along a trellis. Allow at least 2 m of support!

Beans called from Spain are native to Mexico, where they grow on mountain plateaus at high altitudes. They tolerate and appreciate the coolness and frequent rainfall of this type of environment. So we need to make sure they don't run out of water in our gardens... and understand that fruiting may abort on very hot days.


# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Black, 24ºC, Soil, Soak 8-12 hours

Number of seeds per bag