kit Balconville

$ 20,00

The Balconville kit is an assortment for a sunny balcony, chosen to maximize limited space:

-Idaho Jewel Tomato

-Doe Hill' bell pepper

-Greek Basil

-Miniature White' cucumber


The sachets are wrapped in color-printed paper, folded origami-style.

Read the description below to find out more about the products and quantities contained in the kit.

Only 1 left in stock

Kit Balconville, as the name suggests, is ideal for sunny balconies and urban agriculture, since the plants chosen are happy in pots. In fact, although these varieties can be grown in a vegetable garden, they're happy in a smaller space. Like all our kits, it includes a selection of seeds beautifully wrapped in our colorful origami-folded paper.

Contents of each Balconville kit

Idaho Jewel TomatoLycopersicon esculentum, Solanaceae. Approximately 20 seeds. Indoor sowing.

Doe Hill PepperCapsicum annum, Solanaceae. Approximately 20 seeds. Indoor sowing.

Greek BasilOcimum basilicum var.minimum, Lamiaceae. Approximately 50 seeds. Direct sowing.

Miniature White' cucumber Cucumis sativus, Cucurbitaceae. Approximately 10 seeds. Direct sowing.

Concern Calendula officinalis, Asteraceae. Annual. Approx. 30-35 seeds. Direct sowing.


Please note that kit contents may change during the year, depending on inventories. Please consult the current page for each kit before ordering, as the list available at the time of purchase will be representative of the actual contents of the assortment.

Marigold and basil seeds are certified organic by Québec Vraiwhile the others are handcrafted and locally sourced.