mertensie maritime bio

$ 6,00

Mertensia maritima, Boraginaceae

Oyster leaf, oyster plant

Maritime mertensia is a very hardy perennial (Zone 1) that can be kept in a fairly large pot outdoors all winter without protection. It even seems happier in pots than in the ground... Even before experiencing the surprising texture and curious "oyster" flavor of this beautiful creeper from the cold, salty shores of North America, the bluish, bloom-covered leaves are a sight to behold.

Although in the wild it grows where salinity exceeds 1.7%, it doesn't absolutely need a salty environment. It seems content with a menu of algae and compost. The soil can be porous, even gravelly, as it tolerates drying out well between applications of water, thanks to the reserves contained in its fleshy leaves, which are our delight. Numerous small blue flowers tinged with pink give a discreet show at the end of the stems. Approx. 50 cm in diameter and 10 cm high. Drooping habit.

25-30 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska, Qc

Out of stock

Laborious germination: Free the seeds from their protective envelope (there's a vacuum around the seed... this is perfectly normal, as the envelope acts as a float, enabling the plant to spread its seeds along the coast, in its natural environment) and sow them on the surface of a sandy substrate and keep moist in the heat for 2-4 weeks, then place in a cold place (fridge) for 6 weeks... Then remove the seedlings to room temperature, where germination will take place irregularly over several months. Transplant at least 30 cm apart. Well-established seedlings can then be reseeded in situ in autumn.

See the photo gallery :

1. Seeds intact in their floating husks

2. The husk is crushed in the palm to release the seeds.

3. Seeds found among the debris

4. The whole thing is placed in a drip pan which is tilted at an angle: the seeds have rolled against the edge, free of debris.


Test germination conditions

Unwrap, Light, 21ºC, Stratifiction after 2 weeks, for 4 to 6 weeks, then Light 21ºC

Number of seeds per bag


# of the lot for sale


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