organic Kashmir sage

$ 6,00

Phlomis cashmeriana, Lamiaceae

Kashhmir wise

Kashmir sage is a robust, hardy, drought-resistant beauty. A rather rare species on the market, which is surprising given its beauty and ease of cultivation. Zone 4. 

about 25 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska, Qc

Out of stock

Sow the seeds on the surface of the potting soil (they need light to germinate). Keep the container cold for 6 weeks at between -4°C and +4°C (in the fridge, for example, in contact with moist potting soil).

Store at between 18°C and 21°C...

Test germination conditions

Light, 21ºC, Stratification 6 weeks

Number of seeds per bag