organic Mexican tarragon

$ 4,50

Tagetes lucida, Asteraceae

tagetes anisée, pericon, yauhtli, mexican mint marigold, sweet mace, cloud plant

Mexican tarragon is a cousin of our garden tagetes, with narrow, glossy, highly aromatic leaves and a warmly aniseed flavor reminiscent of French tarragon. Unlike French tarragon, this plant, native to southern Mexico and Guatemala, loves the heat. At the height of summer, it forms bunches of small, vibrant yellow, highly fragrant edible flowers.

Leaves and flowers can be used fresh or dried as an aromatic: try them on eggs, fish, in desserts, in a mocktail... They are also part of the traditional Mexican pharmacopoeia, where they are consumed as an infusion to treat colds, among other ailments. Mexican tarragon retains its aroma better when dried than French tarragon.

Usually grown as an annual, it is a tender perennial that can be kept in a pot and overwintered indoors in a cool, bright place. 30-50 cm high. Maturity: 50-80 days after transplanting.

about 75 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska, Qc

Out of stock

Sow indoors. Press the seeds onto the surface of the potting soil 8 weeks before transplanting, and keep moist. Water preferably from underneath, to prevent seedlings from melting. Germination: 7-15 days, at 21°C. Transplant in the sun, spacing seedlings every 20-25 cm. Normal garden soil or even dry stony soil will do. Water well until the plant has acclimatized, then it will tolerate more neglect.

Mexican tarragon can be grown in pots and overwintered in a cool room, much as you would a rosemary plant. Like rosemary, it tolerates a light frost.


photos: Antoine Berton for La société des plantes

# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2024 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Light, 21ºC

Number of seeds per bag