organic agrimony

$ 4,50

Agrimonia striata, Rosaceae

aigremoine striée, bois aux sept vertus, herbe à choléra, roadside agrimony, woodland grooveburr

Striped agrimony is a native perennial common in Eastern Quebec, most noticeable in July when it blooms yellow. It can also be recognized by its ripe seeds, which are conical, furrowed achenes that cling easily to us when we brush against them because of the hooked hairs that cover them. In fields, woods and coppices, by the river... It looks for semi-shady spots with moist soil. 60-180 cm tall. Hardy up to zone 3.

Tone and suppleness. Like many Rosaceae, agrimony is an astringent plant rich in tannins, which can help tighten tissues and mucous membranes. Paradoxically, other herbal uses emphasize its nervine-relaxing potential, which can relieve accumulated mental tension... We would turn to agrimony to free ourselves from emotional poison. The aerial parts (not the root) are used in poultices, herbal teas or mother tinctures. It's a very pleasant tasting herbal tea, reminiscent of apricot.

Agrimony is also a dye plant, giving wool a nankin yellow hue somewhere between apricot and buff.

[of course, we advise you to turn to the appropriate nursing staff for prescribing protocols for the use of medicinal plants].

bag = approx. 25 seeds

Seeds certified organic by Québec Vrai,produced here at LA SOCIÉTÉ DES PLANTES, Kamouraska

In stock

Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours, then press them onto the surface of the potting soil (they need light to germinate) and keep well moistened. Then cold-stratify (-4°C to +4°C) for 2-4 weeks, then remove and store at 13°C to 20°C until germination, which will take over 30 days. Aim for 60 cm spacing in the garden.

You can also sow directly outdoors in autumn, for germination after the snow melts.


# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2025 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Light, 13 to 20ºC, 2 to 4 weeks stratification, 24h soaking

Number of seeds per bag


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