Red Jerusalem artichoke - October delivery

$ 8,00

Helianthus sp, Asteraceae

The tubers of this variety of red Jerusalem artichoke are elongated and sometimes branched like ginger, but always smooth and easy to clean. Red on the surface but white of flesh, they are very attractive. They have a tendency to colonize space beyond where they're planted, so keep an eye on them. We chose this variety over others because of its flavor, which we feel is superior to the others we tried. A tall, late-bearing variety (tubers harvested in October, or in spring before regrowth).

6 tubers per package. [available in Quebec and the rest of Canada only].

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Tubers are planted in autumn or spring, at least every 35 cm, 10 cm deep, with rows at least 65 cm apart.

This is a basic guideline that you can modify in any way you like, since even the smallest stray piece of tuber will give birth to a new plant that will establish itself without waiting for your help.