Suyo Long organic cucumber

$ 4,50

Cucumis sativus, Cucurbitaceae

Suyo Long' is a delicious variety of cucumber with fine, dark-green, ribbed skin, originally from China. It can grow up to 45 cm tall and will take on strange curves if not grown on stakes... Its sweet flesh is highly digestible, never bitter, and contains few seeds. Good as a raw vegetable or for canning. Powdery mildew-resistant variety. 60-65 days to maturity after direct sowing.

about 35 seeds

Certified organic seeds from High Mowing Seeds, Vermont, USA.

In stock

Sow when the soil is very warm, at least one week after any danger of frost, at a depth of 1.5 cm, spaced 7 cm apart and thin out every 20 cm. Spacing between rows should be 1.5 to 2 metres.


# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2025 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Darkness, 24ºC

Number of seeds per bag


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