True Red Cranberry bean

$ 5,00

Phaseolus vulgaris, Fabaceae

The 'True Red Cranberry' bean is an old New England variety, very productive and very tasty. When young, the whole green pod is delicious. At maturity, the dry bean resembles a ripe cranberry and can be used in soups, salads, baked dishes, etc. Grows to 6 ft. tall. Pink flowers. About 95 days to maturity.

25 g = about 35 seeds

Locally-sourced, home-grown seeds Jardin des SimplesKamouraska

In stock

Sow in warm soil (min. 16°C, ideally 21°C-32°C), 3cm deep, 5-6 per shoot, to keep 4, or every 10-15 cm along a trellis. Allow at least 2 m of support!


# of the lot for sale


Germination rate for 2025 of the lot on sale


Test germination conditions

Black, 24ºC, Soil, Soak 8-12 hours

Number of seeds per bag